
Royal bank Of Canada

Company: Nexus Productions

Directors: Tom and Mark Perret

Year: 2008

What i did on this Project : Pipeline TD

This was a really demanding and heavy job, just because everything is built up from tiny pieces as the camera moves. We had to do it as efficiently as possible.

In order to have lighting and animation always up-to-date, apart from the usual pointcache and the transform cache, I developed a new format that saved any animation in any object, that could be loaded without any issue. I named the new format ARD ("Animation Replace Data") and we used it to update the facial rigs on render time and to update the old rigs to the new ones. We could have done it with save and load animation, but making the mapping by using that tool would have been too time-consuming. The tool for saving ARD was simple and quick and avoided all the problems and hassles that save and load has.